Thursday, January 12, 2012

better with sunshine

After three days of rain and gray and errands, today stretched out in front of me like an endless line of zipper pouches.  Do you ever have those mornings when you just can't wait to get started? 

I blame the sunshine.  I wanted to stay at the ironing board all morning with the sun warming my hands and the iron making those little hissing noises and everything else quiet. 

The colors and patterns of these pouches I'm working on are sunshine of their own and I have been grateful today to work with such a beautiful medium.  Truth be told, I learned to sew mainly because I wanted a valid excuse to buy fabric. 

Even cleaning the bathroom and dusting seem like more fun when it's sunny outside, and I know, because I've done both today.  I like to finish my chores in the morning and give myself the afternoon to sew, as a treat. 

This morning, I sat in the sun and read this and it's been on my mind ever since-

               "We thank you, God, we thank you— your Name is our favorite word"
                                                                                                 Psalm 75:1 (MSG)

So with my thoughts full of thanks and my hands full of zippers, I'm headed back to the sewing machine to stitch away the afternoon, in the sun. 

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