Monday, November 07, 2011

fall weekend with friends

We had so many things going on over the weekend that I am going to give each of them a separate blog post so that nothing gets left out.  A run-down on the craft fair and some other events will be coming later this week, but first let me tell you about our visitors. 

Can you believe that precious face?  Talk about a cute house guest. 

It was great to see our old friends, Korey and Rose, over the weekend, and to get to spend some time with Maxwell, who was just a wee little thing when they moved away last year. 

Now he is a person, and a delightful one at that. 

He even helped Steve rake leaves, as you can see. 

We had so much going on that we didn't get to spend as much time with them as we'd have liked, but I am thankful for easygoing friends who understand. 

The weather was great and felt just right for fall.  It was cool enough to need a scarf, but not a coat, and that is my favorite kind of temperature. 

Maxwell did a great job of capturing our hearts with his smiles and hugs.  We had a bit of time for visiting and game playing, plus they all showed up at the craft fair to say hello!  What sweet friends. 

Last night, while looking at the coming week in my planner (a Sunday evening must), I got very excited.  Almost unnecessarily so.  There was nothing really exciting or out of the ordinary written in the squares (except for a romantic getaway coming up), but I felt that the week was somehow full of promise and potential.  Quite a nice way to start a week, I think. 

I've got lots more to share, so come on back tomorrow for the next installment!

1 comment:

  1. I am way too excited about what's coming up. Maybe because I've been cooped up with sickness, but still, I'm pretty giddy.
