Friday, November 18, 2011

Ain't no party like a Plumfield Party

My newest business adventure has had me sewing like crazy over the past several weeks.  I decided about a month ago to see if anyone would be willing to host Plumfield Shop parties in their homes throughout the holiday season.  I would bring merchandise samples (hence all the sewing) and people could buy gifts without searching for a parking space at the mall. 

I chose my top selling products and some awesome fabrics that are perfect for the fall and winter season and made tons of samples.  I finished all the samples exactly one day before my first party, which was yesterday. 

It was in an elementary school library and, if you remember how I feel about libraries, you can imagine how happy that made me. 

I LOVE getting to show people things that I've made and see their reactions.  I think I find this especially exciting since a lot of my business transactions are done online and I never get to speak with my customers face to face. 

I have three more parties scheduled over the next few weeks and I am so excited for each one of them!  I made a few exclusive items that will only be available through the parties- like these Christmas pillows.  The covers are removable and it's my goal to make a new set each season. 

This awesome duffel bag is also a party exclusive item.  I find myself wanting to make three more for myself in all different colors.  I may need to start traveling more to justify owning 4 duffel bags. 

Yesterday, I was so worn out after a full day of everything from attending the grand opening of Joann Fabrics (hip hip hooray!), to delivering orders, to throwing a party that I rewarded myself at 5pm with pajamas and a hot chocolate. 

Our sweet friends even made dinner for us last night, so all I had to do was show up at their house.  In my pajamas.  Which was totally fine, because they were wearing theirs too, as I knew they would be.  We even toted our slippers along with us. 

Today is progressing at much more of a normal speed and I am hoping to do some light housekeeping and finish my quilt top.  I've been taking pictures of the quilt progress as I go and saving them up for a future post. 

I always think of this last weekend before Thanksgiving as the calm before the holiday storm and I am thankful for a short list of easy chores like leaf raking and a haircut for Steve.  Hope your weekend is equally calm!

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