Thursday, September 22, 2011

the skinny

Prepare yourselves: I'm getting trendy. 

It was bound to happen one day, right?

(If you know me, you know that I am probably the least trendy person out there.)

(Steve will disagree with me on this, but don't listen to him.  Remember the shoes?)

So I started making some skinny belts this week, because I've been seeing them everywhere and think they're super cute.  And I haven't really seen any fabric ones, just leather. 

I like leather a lot, but I also like color and I pictured belts in lots of bright jewel tones with big, graphic patterns. 

As with any new product, I like to try it out a bit first and make sure that everything is ship-shape before putting it in the shop, so I've been wearing this particular belt for two days now.  I did take it off to sleep. 

So far I love it and I bought some more tiny D-rings today so that I can keep the fun going with other color choices. 

I've got a busy afternoon ahead, but I'll be back tomorrow with a peek at our fall decorations. 

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