Tuesday, July 05, 2011

and many more

My favorite mom had a pretty significant birthday last week, so we headed up for the weekend to celebrate with her.  We started the party around dusk when the air was cool and it was such a beautiful evening. 

We planned a menu of all her favorite things and then my siblings and husband and I chopped vegetables until our hands almost fell off. 

My mom is so sweet because it doesn't take much to make her happy.  All she wanted was a few friends, her kids, and some ice cream.  We were so glad to be able to give her all that, plus dinner and a gift or two. 

We managed to pull off a group gift that she was genuinely surprised by.  No small feat.  And it fit perfectly. 

After the party was over, we had the rest of the weekend to relax and hang out.  One of the things I love about being back in my hometown is eating at local restaurants.  Especially ones with patio seating.  Everyone always seems to want to linger more over dinner when we're eating outside. 

We took a post dinner walk around downtown and stopped for some pictures in front of the tree where Steve proposed

And Steve and Mom tried some lamppost acrobatics.  Don't you love how Mom is smiling directly at the camera like this is a regular picture and she's not holding my husband horizontally in mid air?  I sure do. 

We did so much that I'm not sure I can condense it all into one blog post, so there will probably be more later this week.  Today I am trying to get back into the swing of regular life again and being thankful that my neighbors will not be setting off fireworks this evening.  It's the little things. 

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