Tuesday, May 31, 2011

welcome to weaverville

Little known fact: I once spent a month in Weaverville, North Carolina working as a night cook at a camp.  Unfortunately, preparing meals for 500 people from 11am to 11pm did not leave a lot of time for seeing the town.  On the upside, I did learn how to crack two eggs simultaneously. 

But this weekend, we stayed with our friends who live near Weaverville (just north of Asheville) and had plenty of time to check it out.  I love small towns. 

On Saturday, after checking out the kittens at the Humane Society booth at the farmer's market and buying tons of strawberries, we put the kiddo down for a nap and hit the town. 

Possibly my favorite part of the weekend: parking in one spot and then walking to the pharmacy, pizza parlor, library, and cafe.  And when I say "pharmacy", I mean one of the great ones that you almost never see anymore, with fresh squeezed lemonade and homemade ice cream.  We shared a scoop of the lemon berry swirl, even though it was right before lunch.  We're wild like that. 

In the afternoon, we went to the park and played and watched the ducks. 

Yes, we are wearing the exact same color shirt. 

We've been married six years, remember?  It just happens. 

The grown-ups had a fancy evening in downtown Asheville, complete with live music and lots of seafood.  Lobster mac and cheese = amazing. 

Much to my delight, Stephanie and Jason have chosen to attend a beautiful church that is on the national register of historic places.  The stained glass was lovely and each pew was intricately carved. 

We walked to the cafe after church and ate brunch and I noticed that the cafe is currently hiring and contemplated how fun it would be to work there. 

After saying our goodbyes, Steve and I snuck away for some shopping and an early dinner at our favorite place before heading home. 

The weekend felt very celebratory and I'm still in a celebratory mood this morning, as I fold fabric and do laundry.  My to-do list for the day was divided into two categories: before it gets hot and after it gets hot.  Welcome, summer.  You always show up earlier than I expect and stay longer than I'd like. 

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