Thursday, May 19, 2011

plus one

I promise that I did not make a special fabric birthday banner for myself.  But I realize that's probably how it looks. 

It's for the party kits.  You know- the party kits?  Well, I'll tell you more about those next week.  I'm sure you're way more curious about how my birthday was.  

It was great, thanks for asking.  We ate breakfast at a cute little bakery that just opened up.  I've been eyeballing it ever since they put a sign in the window and coudn't wait to go inside.

My hopes were not disappointed.  Great atmosphere, lots of huge windows, and beautiful pastries.  The perfect place to start a birthday. 

Then we picked up lunch supplies and headed home.  It was sunny and not too hot- perfect for enjoying the yard.  I don't take it lightly that I was born in the most beautiful month of the year.  Thanks, Mom. 

We lunched on the patio and watched birds and talked about whatever we wanted.  Probably my favorite thing about birthdays is not having a schedule. 

The mail came and I got FIVE cards to open.  I also recieved numerous phone calls, text messages, emails, facebook messages, and a Skype call that included a rousing rendition of "the foot bone's connected to the.... ankle bone..."  Because "Happy Birthday" is so 2010. 

I felt super loved. 

In the afternoon, I did two of my favorite things: nap and library trip.  I think I must have really enjoyed being three. 

After a bit of shopping, we had an amazing dinner at Bricktop's.  We ordered fish tacos and chicken with mango salsa, to share.  The waitress, sensing that we were going to share these meals, asked if we would like the kitchen to just split the food for us before bringing it out. 

Of course!  What service!

Please notice how many plates are on the table in the picture above.  Keep in mind that there were only two of us at this meal.  I think I heard the people behind us snickering. 

Apparently, they felt like the fish and chicken wouldn't get along, so they split each meal onto two separate plates.  Once we did some consolidating, it was the best meal I've eaten in quite a while.  Everything was just right. 

After dinner, we took a lovely digestive stroll around the surrounding courtyards and admired the landscaping. 

I also admired my dinner partner, who is really the best kind of person to spend a birthday with. 

We popped in the restaurant again to pick up our dessert, to go.  And then we quickly made our way back to my favorite favorite place and settled in for a cozy evening at home. 

The best thing about birthdays, aside from all the love and food, is thinking about how thankful I am to have lived another year of this life.  No matter what is going on, there are always more things that I can count to be thankful for. 

As much as I'd like to spend the day basking in post-birthday bliss, there are chores to be done and I am off to the grocery store.  One year closer to the senior discount.  

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