Monday, May 16, 2011

the graduate

If you're wondering, he's looking off in the distance towards.... the future.  I hope he sees a job there. 

We had so much fun this weekend celebrating my brother's college graduation.  I can hardly believe he's old enough to drive, let alone graduate from college.  When Corbin was born, I was nine years old, and I carried him around and took care of him and pretty much pretended he was my own baby.  This continued until he was nine years old and I moved out of the house.  And even though we were mistaken for twins when he was fourteen, and even though he bypassed me in size a good ten years ago, every time I see him I still think- "baby brother".  I probably always will. 

I sure am proud of that kid. 

Apparently we only get our picture taken together when someone graduates, as this was one of the most recent group shots I could find.  Four years ago, same event, different school.  Time flies. 

Aside from attending what can easily be labeled the shortest and least painful graduation ceremony I have ever been to, we also played soccer, ate a lot, played cards, and watched a movie.  Roughly in that order.  (The above picture would make a lot more sense if Corbin had not already kicked the soccer ball out of view.)

And we opened gifts. 

Me too. 

I may or may not be, but probably am, getting a little bit older this week. 

It is so rare to have all of us all together.  What a gift.  We filled up every bed and sofa, crashed into each other over and over in the kitchen, and required two cars to get anywhere.  I sure do love having a big family. 

Today, other than missing all of them (aside from the handsome blond, who came right on home with me, praise the Lord), I am doing piles of laundry and cooking and gearing up for the week ahead.  A very successful fabric store stop on the way home yesterday left me with a bag full of exciting new supplies.  I can hardly wait to get started, but I will wait, at least until we have some clean socks.  

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