Friday, April 22, 2011

hopping down the bunny trail

This guy knows what's coming.  We've had a yard full of bunnies, just waiting for the big day.  I wonder if I can get a few of them to hop around while we play croquet on Sunday.  Wouldn't that be the best party trick ever? 

Inside the house, this bunny has come out, as well as last year's eggs.  I have been sewing table cloths and extra napkins and....

an awesome party banner.  I saw this idea here and modified it a bit and after a long day of tracing and cutting triangles (and feeling like a preschool teacher again), I ended up with, what I am sure will be, the life of any party. 

Forty-five feet of it, to be exact.  You know the motto- go big, or go home. 

We are all giddy-ed up with excitement. 

We've trucked in extra chairs and tables.

My mom is coming!

Steve is cutting the grass at the optimal croquet-playing height.

I'm making new dining room curtains now that we're done painting.  The fabric arrived yesterday afternoon and I hope to have them hanging by tonight.  I'm quick like that. 

The curtain fabric is called "April in Paris".  Not to be confused with "Winter in Paris", which is the paint color we chose for that room.  We may have to start speaking French during dinner.

Here's the thing about Easter: I love all the sprucing up and meal planning and parties; the beginning of spring and flowers blooming and croquet.  But I never want to get too tangled up in all that, because it's just the icing on the cake.  All those trivial things are celebrations, not in themselves, but in honor of the one thing we really have to celebrate-

"But he was pierced for our transgressions, 
he was crushed for our inequities;
the punishment that brought us peace was upon him,
and by his wounds we are healed."
Isaiah 53:5 

By his wounds we are healed.  This weekend, I plan to celebrate with joy, like someone who has been healed.  Happy Easter, indeed. 

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