Friday, April 15, 2011

fair enough

This week I got to spend two days at a small craft fair at St. Stephen's preschool.  Other than getting to show off my stuff in person, the best part was checking out all the other tables. 

Amy Hart turns trash into art and had a whole array of metal sculptures for sale.  Her enthusiasm for her work is contagious and I had a great time just listening to her describe different projects to people.  I also think it's super fun that she has to really hunt for her supplies, instead of just buying them any old place.  I kind of wish I had to hunt for supplies. 

Celia is an artist with really eye-catching work because she uses such bright colors.  I was very excited to meet her because I actually recognized one of her drawings of downtown Charlotte that I had seen in a gift shop recently.  It was like meeting someone famous.  I think that this bird print is especially lovely.

Alicia takes beautiful photographs with really interesting backdrops.  The fact that she has super cute kids that like to pose for pictures doesn't seem to be hurting her business either.  She gave me some great ideas about photo props that I could make and I've been dreaming up ties for little boys in cute patterns ever since. 

Jenn Harrison makes beaded jewelry and was busily stringing beads the whole time we were there.  While her jewelry was pretty, I was more enamored by her daughter, who is five months old and has a big tuft of hair.  I am a sucker for babies with lots of hair. 

Bricklend makes jewelry as well, among other things, but she makes all of her glass beads by hand.  What an awesome and unique skill! 

I decided to organize my table into gift sections this time, so I had items for moms, graduates, new babies, and Easter baskets.  I'm also planning to do a mother's day gift guide blog later this month, with some great Etsy finds.  I have found that people are reluctant to buy a beautiful handmade item just for themselves, but they love to give them as gifts.   

I have been lucky enough to have this great artwork behind my table both times that I have done this particular show.  It sure does make a distinctive backdrop for pictures. 

Now that the craft fair is behind me, I have settled into spring cleaning.  I love spring cleaning.  What could be better than throwing open all the windows and scrubbing every surface until it shines?  Not much, that's what.  If you are as crazy about cleaning as I am (or even if you're just a little crazy), be sure to stop by on Monday when I will be posting about my favorite cleaning supplies and tools. 

And if you're looking for something else to do today, head on over to Lakeside Chatter and check out the post about Plumfield Shop.  My new friend, Mary, writes this cool local blog and was nice enough to feature me!  I am really looking forward to getting to know her better, because she is a wealth of information about local entrepreneur opportunities.  And she seems totally fun. 

Now before I relax for the weekend, I am off to vacuum the blinds.  And that is not a joke. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey!

    You won the magnet giveaway on my blog (! Please email me your address at !
