Thursday, January 27, 2011

two cups of tea

 One of my greatest joys in recent months is a very simple thing: I learned to like tea. 

I have always wanted to like tea.  My family likes tea.  My friends like tea.  My husband is half British, for goodness sake. 

Throughout the years, I have been willing to give tea a "redo" on numerous occasions.  Maybe I'll like it this time,I would hope in my heart.  And then finally, one day, I did. 

 Yesterday, I even drank two cups of tea.  And I took pictures of both of them, because I was just so pleased with myself.  I have even started using the real tea cups instead of mugs, which definitely bumps the experience up a notch. 

My current favorites are Bigelow Mint Medley and Celestial Seasonings Sweet Coconut Thai.  After having a cup of each yesterday, I was reminded of one of our favorite books, "Three Cups of Tea".  If you haven't read it, don't wait any longer.  It is Life Changing.  And I won't ruin the story for you, since you'll be reading it soon, but the title of the book comes from this quote about the people of Pakistan:

"With the first cup of tea you are a stranger.  With the second... a friend.  With the third cup of tea, you are family."

 Between all the tea yesterday, I was working on my new sewing space.  I have set up shop in our living room for quite a while now because I wanted to be in the thick of things while I was sewing, not cooped up in a room upstairs.  However, when it's January and when your upstairs is a good ten degrees warmer than your downstairs, being cooped up starts to sound downright cozy. 

Also cozy?  Having a day bed right next to my sewing table.  We could see a serious drop in my productivity level this winter. 

I found this amazing fabric bunting by FaSewLa Stitches on Etsy.  I think it would be just the thing to decorate the bare wall above the sewing table. 

Today I am starting on this bag from my new Amy Butler book!  I am so excited to be making something I get to keep!  I'm already dreaming about all the fun things I'll be able to tote around.

Tomorrow will bring my sister with it and I can hardly wait to tote her around for a few days.  I should have some fun pictures to share next week of our time together. 

Hope you're toting something fun this weekend!


  1. Yay for tea.. I'm trying to learn to like it too :)

    And I'll keep you posted... hoping for the best, but we got a fairly significant storm yesterday evening and can't promise flights will be going on time :( Can't wait to see you.. whenever that may be!

  2. I second the tea victory! FINALLY after a million years, well 23 to be exact, we can have a tea party where you'll drink tea too :) I'll have a cup in your honor today. Have fun with Cameron. XOXO

  3. Lauren, I am in LOVE with your new sewing space! I am blessed to have a designated room in my basement as a studio, but I really do lust after a window....I guess I have to be kept humble some way, right?!?! And the daybed next to my table would be the END of my productivity! haha...
